Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A wonderful dream.

Sparkling silver tiara
no sorrow nor drama
Living in my own castle
butlers out in a hustle
Handsome prince waiting
then we come dating
What a wonderful world to see
all my favorites comes to me

Bragging whom I love
all girls wants to have
As I wear my designer shoes,
drinking my watermelon juice,
my prince came in
with roses green
asking me to marry him.
But then I realize....

It was all a dream. :(


Well, I made up this poem for about an hour.. in about 10:45pm just this May 18, 2011.
uhmm ok! haha..
In lots of poems that I make, this is the one that struck me the most.
Coz I am always imagining about how I want my life to be..
I can relate to it, thats why.. hehehe
I'm gonna post some more poems in the future so please stay in touch... :D

If you want me to make poems for you, please do comment, and please do follow.
Follow me on twitter too!/iamKinaJain i'm still new in twitter still got few followers. :)
Oh and please do add me on facebook its thankies!
If you do have any questions please ask me at

Thank you so much for viewing!
Take care always. God speed! ^.^

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