Thursday, May 19, 2011

Love or bread? xD

Eyes sparkles like the shining stars
your voice is what I hear in my ears
you were in my side during wars
i've been wishing for you in years

but then your warmth keep us from each other
you dont even tend to bother
what am I in your eye?
you said you love me, is it a lie?

you need to do things
which you think was much more important than me
you think your a king?
then brace yourself damn king wanna be

All I wanted was you
I love you
but do you love me too?


finished 4:45pm this May 19, 2011
any comments or suggestions?

Well, I couldnt think of a much more better title right there.
just got it from a movie.. hahaha
So obviously, i'm bored!

Please also do check out some of my poems right there --->
read my other poems entitled "The World" and "A wonderful dream"

God Speed.. ^.^

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