Thursday, May 19, 2011

Love or bread? xD

Eyes sparkles like the shining stars
your voice is what I hear in my ears
you were in my side during wars
i've been wishing for you in years

but then your warmth keep us from each other
you dont even tend to bother
what am I in your eye?
you said you love me, is it a lie?

you need to do things
which you think was much more important than me
you think your a king?
then brace yourself damn king wanna be

All I wanted was you
I love you
but do you love me too?


finished 4:45pm this May 19, 2011
any comments or suggestions?

Well, I couldnt think of a much more better title right there.
just got it from a movie.. hahaha
So obviously, i'm bored!

Please also do check out some of my poems right there --->
read my other poems entitled "The World" and "A wonderful dream"

God Speed.. ^.^

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The World

The world when it was first made
was so bountiful to see
but then the scenery fade
then sadness came to me

When I took my first breath
no care about the world
but as I grew fourteenth
the world whirled in my word.. xD

More toxic smoke on air
water covered with dust
but the world should look blair
we should clean,... its a must!

Help and love mother earth
she is bleeding in pain
she should never be hurt
So unity should reign


OK! so I made this up 7:24 in the morning this May 19, 2011
urgh.. cant sleep so I came to make this poem.
funny? haha anyways I need your opinion so please comment me.

The line "the world whirled in my word" is so funny for me
I cant find any other word which sounds like world
so I made a tongue twister (that's an original by Kina Jain) haha!
please dont mind about it, I'M AN AMATEUR POET anyway. :D

Read my other much more better poem down there entitled "A wonderful dream"

God Speed! ^.^

A wonderful dream.

Sparkling silver tiara
no sorrow nor drama
Living in my own castle
butlers out in a hustle
Handsome prince waiting
then we come dating
What a wonderful world to see
all my favorites comes to me

Bragging whom I love
all girls wants to have
As I wear my designer shoes,
drinking my watermelon juice,
my prince came in
with roses green
asking me to marry him.
But then I realize....

It was all a dream. :(


Well, I made up this poem for about an hour.. in about 10:45pm just this May 18, 2011.
uhmm ok! haha..
In lots of poems that I make, this is the one that struck me the most.
Coz I am always imagining about how I want my life to be..
I can relate to it, thats why.. hehehe
I'm gonna post some more poems in the future so please stay in touch... :D

If you want me to make poems for you, please do comment, and please do follow.
Follow me on twitter too!/iamKinaJain i'm still new in twitter still got few followers. :)
Oh and please do add me on facebook its thankies!
If you do have any questions please ask me at

Thank you so much for viewing!
Take care always. God speed! ^.^